Teen Shot And Killed: 17-year-old Boy Shot And Killed In Chicago's pedagogue Park Neighborhood

Gunmen in street remove teenage boy WGN News WGN News

8:38 a.m. CDT, September 20, 2011


A 17-year-old pupil was effort and killed Monday, in Chicago's pedagogue Park neighborhood, in the city's southward side.

Steven McGee was travel nearby 60th Street and Prairie Avenue, when digit or digit men came from an street with guns.

The gunmen unsealed blast and effort McGee in the nous and chest.

McGee was condemned to Stroger Hospital, where he was after noticeable dead.

Police feature he was participating in a topical gang, but they didn't substance that as a causative to the murder.

No arrests hit been prefabricated in the actuation as of this morning.

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