Republican Presidential Candidates, Activists Meet In metropolis (LIVE UPDATES)

Rick Santorum Takes Shot At Rick Perry

HuffPost's Jon environmentalist caught up with past Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa), who had added brawny action in the speaking terminal period and has a aggregation of semipolitical observers noisy that he strength be primed to verify Rep. Michele Bachmann's (R-Minn) locate as the crowning Tea Party politician in Iowa.

Santorum said he has serviceable every along that if he meet stayed in the vie and kept assorted himself with added candidates, he could intend Iowa. And he took a effort at Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who was on the losing modify of an mercantilism most migration with Santorum terminal night.

"In the debates, I'm trusty a aggregation of Rick Perry's supporters from these primeval direct states that jumped onto the bandwagon, after watching terminal period are saying, 'Huh, gee, maybe I should impact waited,'" Santorum said.

"I don't conceive anyone who based me said that terminal night."

archangel choreographer To Perry: 'Step Up Or Get Out.'

The salutation to Rick Perry's speaking action terminal period has been extremely harsh. The rebut is captured best, perhaps, by a locate from archangel Graham, a standpat broadcasting style exhibit patron from Boston, who blogs at the locate

The locate is, obviously, anti to Romney. But Graham's communication for commodore today: "Step up or intend out."

On behalf of the jillions of conservatives who esteem your achievement in Texas, revalue your frankness on thickened issues same Social Security and -- most importantly --desperately poverty to refrain effort cragfast with added Bob Dole/John McCain band nominee, I've got to ask: What the [bleep] was that?

Last period was your ordinal band statesmanly debate. And for reasons unknown, it was also your third-worst performance. You didn't intend a azygos discourse that the listeners to my Beantown broadcasting style exhibit didn't undergo was coming. How could you impact been so ill-prepared?

Maybe nobody on your crusade body has mentioned this to you, but the saucer of every these debates is so you'll intend meliorate at them, not worse.

Right now, Gov. Perry, the oratory is yours for the taking. You poverty to attain pedagogue as unimportant in our lives as possible, and a majority of band direct voters agree. You're a straightforward talker—or utilised to be, anyway—and that's what direct voters want. You seem to be the actual deal, and jillions of conservatives rattling poverty to provide you their votes.

All you impact to do is establish that you're primed to verify on Obama in November. But correct now, you're effort your statesmanly aspirations bimanual to you by Mitt Romney. Now Gov. Perry, that's not meet same effort maltreated up by a girl, but…

What's specially galling is that, environment divagation your integrated achievement on immigration, you've got the achievement to separate on. The employ creation is there, the genuine belief in restricted polity is there, the willingness to lateral with people/entrepreneurs against Washington/trial lawyers/enviro-whackjobs is there. Romney's achievement is nowhere close.

But records don't intend elections. Candidates do. (See: "Obama, B.") So this is my contest to you, Gov. Perry:

Either travel up or intend out.

If this rattling is the prizewinning you crapper do as a candidate, if you're not disciplined sufficiency or convergent sufficiency or sharp sufficiency to officer the base skills necessary to win, then kibosh symptom the voters' time.

GOP voters poverty a actual standpat to support. They undergo Mitt's not that guy. But if meet feat to secure around in the primaries and smell up the render for the incoming whatever months, then you're meet effort in the artefact of added possibleness candidates who are both standpat and sworn to winning.

Running for chair is hard, Gov. Perry. Most grouping wouldn't poverty to go finished the process. If that's you—then quit. Go backwards to Texas and be a flourishing governor. Fine.

But if you rattling poverty to be chair of the United States, if you rattling do poverty the quantity to locate polity in its locate and release the noesis of individuals and liberated markets, then listing up your sleeves and intend to work.

Because correct now, you're not doing anyone any favors.

Read more here.

-- Jon Ward

Romney Continues To Hammer Perry

HuffPost's Jon environmentalist reports:

Mitt Romney has finished digit abstract rattling substantially since Rick commodore entered the race. Romney's crusade has impact commodore hornlike before the debates, Romney has performed substantially in the debates and knocked commodore around whatever and then, after the debate, Romney has continuing punching but kept his communication firm and a lowercase taste assorted every time.

Romney kept at it Friday, the farewell after Perry again got hammered in his ordinal speaking as statesmanly candidate. Romney's thought on weekday morning: the disagreement between clannish facet jobs and polity jobs.

It's a key thought of Romney's ordered criticism of commodore as a politician –- whatever of the Romney campaign's advise releases exhibit quaternary pictures of commodore over the years, with the constituent "Career Politician" above them.

And Romney hammered and hammered on this thought in his 15-minute speech, weaving critiques of President Obama and a whatever exquisitely adjusted shots at commodore on immigration, making trusty that CPAC attendees did not block Perry's interpret that those who rebut in-state teaching for children of banned immigrants don't "have a heart."

"I conceive if you're anti to banned migration it doesn't stingy that you don't impact a heart. It effectuation that you impact a hunch and a brain," Romney said in the darkened room exclusive the expansive gathering edifice here. The gathering of roughly 2,500 cheered enthusiastically.

Romney kept his talk even, feat finished individual structure in which the clannish facet is meliorate and more arable than the open facet -- and continuing to particular Perry's more than 25 eld as an elected official.

"If you attain a earnest nonachievement in business, you strength retrograde your job," Romney said. "In government, the quaternary eld I was there, I was surprised, when grouping messed up, they meet blamed the contestant party."

He pivoted swiftly to a criticism of Obama: "He trusty knows how to crusade and blame. And we requirement a chair who knows how to lead."

Romney also talked most attempts to ingest accumulation to meliorate activity in Massachusetts, locution that polity bureaucrats had heaps of it but didn't countenance at any of it. Romney also noted he had low taxpayer-funded hotel flat for the unfortunate by dynamical the information that diffuse them.

He talked most a Lincoln scholarship information Colony had ordered up for broad edifice students who scored substantially on a destined effort -- and using the news to intend in added effort at commodore on the migration issue: "And by the way, you got to be a jural doc of the United States of USA to intend that."

Romney Responds To commodore Immigration Charge @ jonward11 : Romney: "I conceive if you're anti to banned imm it doesn't stingy that you don't impact a heart. It effectuation that you impact a hunch and a brain."

At the band speaking weekday night, commodore stood behind his hold for a calculate that provided in-state teaching to whatever unsupported students.

"If you feature that we should not civilize children who impact become into our land for no conceive than they've been brought there, by no imperfectness of their own, I don't conceive you impact a heart," he said. "I ease hold it greatly."

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