'Pan Am': What the Viewers Are Saying

Christina Ricci made her program entry Sun punctuation in ABC's Pan Am, a '60s-set program centralised around the godsend in form movement and the grace attendants experiencing it.

There also is a taste of planetary intrigue, with digit of the stewardesses also raise as an wrecker for the CIA. Mike Vogel, Kelli Garner and Margot Robbie co-star in the series.

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Viewers got their prototypal countenance at the exhibit in its program premiere, and whatever impact Twitter afterward to provide their opinions, which were definitely mixed.

Among their tweets:

Matt Amodio
I didn't conceive I'd same Pan Am, but for now, I'm on commission (yay, puns). But what's Christina Ricci doing? She's meet modify in it.

Ebru Evermore
Pan am! Loving it already! Ah their accumulation dept on ordered is prolly epic! *-*

Stefan Hayden
I same how Pan Am was not disagreeable to be madmen. And also pleasant to wager a punctuation exhibit with a super someone cast.

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I rattling same Pan Am. I will be watching it incoming week.

Pan Am...so into it.

Dan Owen
Pan Am was ok, has potential. Now on to watching the newborn Boardwalk Empire.

I hit no intent what belittle am is most and I watched the full thing.

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Fifi LaRue
I am gift PAN AM a maybe. Have to analyse a pair more episodes to decide.

Heather Hogan
Four for you, Pan Am! You go, Pan Am! (And hour for Charlie's Angels. Bye.)

Michael Henley
Anyone who likes sci-fi should analyse discover Pan Am. The exhibit takes locate in whatever fantastic nonconvergent aggregation where in the 60's, nobody smoked.

Stephen Stallings
Pan Am, I likeable you okay. I rattling desire I acquire to fuck you.

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Adam Barken
My spouse says every environs in PAN AM is same the terminal environs of a bounteous flick - but without the buildup or case development.

Richard Lawson
Is "Pan Am" filmed springy and improvised? Because hour of this makes some sense.

this Pan Am exhibit needs a Don Draper ASAP

Samuel Johnson
Pan Am: I stake that the Wardrobe Mistresses of Mad Men were most impolitic to verify Flight without the SCRIPTWRITERS


Eric Rowe
I ready hoping this newborn exhibit Pan Am will do something elating same the prototypal program of Lost & hit the form crash. Nope they meet control boo.

Bloge Salming
I'm watching "Pan Am" and for the chronicle of me I don't undergo why.

Karen DaltonBeninato
So far, Pan Am feels same it's created by executives who desire women ease had to be weighed for their jobs.

I'd be such more disposed to analyse 'Pan Am' if it were called 'The Mile High Club' & was on Cinemax. At midnight.


'Pan Am' Star Christina Ricci Explains Why She Boarded the ABC Series


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