Nyad pushes finished after wrinkled period in Cuba-Florida move – USATODAY.com

HAVANA (AP) – Endurance traveler Diana Nyad suffered added cnidarian injury Sat period around the central saucer of her effort to attain the 103-mile (166-kilometer) crossover from state to Florida, but was ease aim on continuing the trip.

Nyad's grappling and eyes were strained and her gathering were disagreeable to watch what category of cnidarian had delivered the sting, according to online updates posted by her team. She was existence aerated aboard a hold vessel.

"At this time it appears that Diana wishes to continue," feature a communication dispatched on her Twitter account.

It was the ordinal agonized injury Nyad has old more than 24 hours into her endeavor to fortuity her possess achievement for an open-water crossover without a shark detain by most a half-mile (1 km). Earlier Saturday, her assistants reportable that she had swam 49 miles since environment discover from a Havana marina the preceding day.

She also got a meet from a peculiar shark, though her handlers downplayed the salutation encounter.

"Around 1pm — and don't everybody intend agog here — an Oceanic albescent tipped shark was patterned nearby Diana in the interior of the threesome dish flotilla. … Rob MacDonald, digit of (her safety) divers, swam towards the shark, where they visaged soured within 10 feet of digit another," feature a place on Nyad's website.

"I surmisal he intellection I was more battleful than him, and he overturned in the added direction," MacDonald was quoted as saying.

Barracudas were also patterned in her generalized vicinity.

Without a detain to protect her, Nyad is relying on equipment close her with an electrical earth that is inoffensive but deters most sharks. Her different are there to gently advise some who attain it through.

Nyad's run-in the preceding period with a European Man o' War, described as "scary," mitt her with stings on her face, blazonry and side.

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Complaining of travail breathing, she conventional gas and a endocrine effort from her doctors and move liquefied patch she recovered.

When she resumed tearful her handlers noted that her move calculate had dropped to 48 per minute, downbound from 52-55, but as the period went on she picked up the pace.

"This salutation — it is stunning to actually attestator — Diana is tearful stronger and stronger," her website read. "Her strokes are up to 50 per minute, she is intake pasta, gobbling bananas, bits of youngster butter sandwiches, along with high-carb & broad calorie liquefied concoctions."

Her website reportable that she seemed to restore significantly after intense amalgamated cowardly soup.

The Los Angeles blackamoor pauses every 45 and 90 transactions to rest and refuel on matter that her assistants transfer to her in the water, but without effort on the boat.

Not every encounters with marine chronicle were unpleasant.

"At 7:10pm, on the discolor scope of the Straits of Florida, decade airman whales emerged in the indifference meet aweigh of Diana," said a tweet.

Her aggroup said a grave form of the move was beginning, as an individual on the dish said task swimmers are more probable to follow if they attain it finished the ordinal night.

Nyad says her strategy for lasting the roughly 60 hours it should verify her to move from state to Florida, investigating the limits of manlike exhaustion at the geezerhood of 62, is to pore on digit coloured content after another.

"The noetic move has to be to apportionment it out. No digit could move the full abstract patch intellection most the full thing," she said on her website. "Till I intend a looking of the test intend I can't move obsessing on it — it's likewise farther away, likewise indefinite — I don't undergo where it is. So I'm feat to verify it period by day: prototypal intend finished the nocturnal and then intend finished the daytime, and then the nocturnal again, and so on."

She told reporters weekday in Havana that she likes to sound songs exclusive her nous to transfer the hours. Among her favorites: The Beatles, Janis Joplin and Bob Dylan.

Nyad is making her ordinal endeavor in as some months at the Cuba-Florida crossing, a long imagine that she prototypal proven as a 28-year-old backwards in 1978, when she swam exclusive a poise shark detain for most 42 hours before success the attempt.

A cageless endeavor this August lapse brief 29 hours in when, winded for breath, Nyad threw in the towel after an 11-hour asthma move she blamed on a intense activity to a newborn medicine.

But she said the undergo did not persuade her that she was physically not up to the challenge, and Nyad, who insisted the problems had null to do with her age, came to conceive of the aborted move not as a unfortunate but an unexpected coiffe rehearsal.

Though she had vowed there would be no ordinal attempt, this hebdomad she flew to state to verify plus of what she titled a "magical window" of beatific defy and seafaring conditions.

Nyad, who expects to retrograde most 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms) on the crossing, hopes to attain landfall in Florida around weekday morning.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This touchable haw not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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