Johnson credits Limbaugh for party speaking joke

Updated 9:23 a.m. ET

Gary President definitely scored at terminal night's party statesmanly speaking with his jape most his neighbor's dogs creating "more shovel-ready jobs" than the Obama administration.

But does the past New Mexico controller merit mend assign for effort whatever of the large laughs of the night? Not exactly.

Turns discover speech exhibit patron Rush Limbaugh delivered a kindred jape on his exhibit early Thursday. "My dogs hit created more shovel-ready impact than Obama has meet this hebdomad alone," Limbaugh said, feat on most his newborn puppy's...output.

Limbaugh told The Huffington Post that he's "become exhibit schoolwork for the party debates."

Johnson tweeted:

Re: the dogs, I see Rush Limbaugh prefabricated the aforementioned point. Credit to Rush for a enthusiastic and rattling genuine line.

After the debate, President told HuffPo that Jim Villanucci, a past Tonight Show illustrator who hosts a broadcasting exhibit in Albuquerque, texted him a clump of one-liners to ingest at the metropolis event. But President said he didn't undergo Limbaugh had utilised the canid joke.

It was Johnson's prototypal bounteous debate attendance since he was onstage for a South Carolina face-off that most of the field candidates skipped. A politico who is libertarian in his thought, President spent such of the speaking advocating for a counterpoised budget.

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