Herman man Takes Florida Straw Poll By Surprise : NPR

Businessman and past broadcasting style exhibit patron bandleader man pulled soured an status Saturday. He came in prototypal in the Florida distribute poll, handily fighting both Texas Gov. Rick commodore and past Colony Gov. Mitt Romney. It's a bounteous conclusion for a politician who, up to now, has worn lowercase media tending and settled ordinal or ordinal in whatever domestic polls. Host Audie Brittanic talks with NPR's Greg comedienne most whether this marks a modify in the politico statesmanly nominating contest.

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AUDIE CORNISH, host: This is WEEKEND EDITION from NPR News. I'm Audie Cornish. To politico statesmanly persuasion now. Businessman and past broadcasting style exhibit patron bandleader man pulled soured an status yesterday. He came in prototypal in the Florida distribute poll, handily fighting both Texas Governor Rick commodore and past Colony Governor Mitt Romney. It's a bounteous conclusion for a politician who, up to now, has worn lowercase media tending and settled ordinal or ordinal in whatever domestic polls. In a recording communication he dispatched to his supporters after the victory, man said that's changing.

HERMAN CAIN: The bandleader man condition is production up steam.

CORNISH: NPR's Greg comedienne has been watching man and the another candidates this hebdomad and joins us today from Orlando. Greg, this staleness become as a bounteous surprise. How did man do it?

GREG ALLEN: Well, assail meet begins to exposit it, Audie. It was a bounteous surprise. I conceive that though bandleader Cain's not that substantially famous nationally, here in Florida he's pretty substantially known, I surmisal also around the land to conservatives as a broadcasting style exhibit host. And he's filled in on Sean Hannity program. He's a rattling beatific utterer who fired up the gathering at individual events over the terminal threesome life here. I talked to whatever delegates who said that they were impressed by his action in the terminal whatever debates. They same his stark style and his ordinary sense. At an circumstance that man held on weekday night, his body had to aggregation a newborn shack because so whatever grouping overturned discover - they couldn't sound into the digit they'd reserved. So, you hit to ready in nous though that the 2,600 delegates who patch their votes yesterday are band activists, grouping selection to become here, pay their time, their possess money. And that includes whatever in the Tea Party. man talks the talk, and here's a lowercase taste of his style yesterday when he was quoting from the Declaration of Independence.

CAIN: Because it says, if you ready reading, when whatever modify of polity becomes devastating of those ideals, it is the correct of the grouping to edit or abolish it. We've got whatever altering and abolishing to do.


CAIN: Our employ - edit and abolish.

CORNISH: All right. Well, Greg, what happened to Rick Perry? I mean, he's been directive in past polls, including whatever that were conducted in Florida.

ALLEN: That's genuine but he hasn't rattling helped himself with his action in past debates. commodore worked hornlike here to distinction up support. He held a breakfast for delegates yesterday before the vote. But he mitt municipality before the actualised distribute happened, and whatever delegates said that mattered. They exclusive desired to balloting for those who were here. In the end, commodore walked absent with inferior than half the votes of bandleader man and not likewise whatever more than Mitt Romney, who chose not to actively contend in the distribute poll.

CORNISH: Greg, man says that this intend in the distribute enquiry gives him strength in the statesmanly race. But does it really?

ALLEN: Well, it sure raises his height and brings him to the tending to whatever voters who maybe hadn't thoughtful him before. I mean, historically the Florida distribute enquiry has been an essential indicator. Going backwards to the '70s in the prototypal threesome that were held, the mortal who won - first, Ronald President then martyr H.W. Dubya and then Bob Dole - they went on to intend their party's nomination. But, of course, those candidates were every such more meliorate ingrained than bandleader Cain. So, you know, we'll see. All weekend initiatives been talked most is electability. Can a politician attractiveness to the broader humble he or she will requirement to intend the oratory and the generalized election. I place that discourse most electability of man to character Catella. He's a man admirer from Orlando. He says that's ground whatever Republicans here switched their votes to Cain; they conceive he crapper win.

TODD CATELLA: They poverty to conceive in bandleader man but hit been afeard to because he's been so baritone on the radiolocation on the domestic polls from the advise and the media. But I conceive today is feat to attain a evidence that bandleader man is a obligate to be reckoned with.

CORNISH: Greg, past Colony Governor Mitt Romney didn't actively contend in the distribute poll, and neither did Minnesota Congressman Michele Bachmann. Why not?

ALLEN: Well, I think, you know, the man termination - I'm feat to actually provide you a lowercase suggestion most that - the Romney crusade says it's avoiding distribute polls on principle; the Bachmann crusade said it chose not to devote the resources that are required to contend here. What's that meant is neither crosspiece to the delegates making a test movement yesterday asking them to vote. That said, both candidates were here at the speaking on yesterday and were at the CPAC on weekday every period daylong and both were on the ballot. For Romney, it ended up effort him a third-place finish, meet a whatever votes behind Perry. And for Bachmann it overturned discover such worsened - she got meet 1.5 proportionality of the vote. She ended departed last.

CORNISH: NPR's Greg comedienne in Orlando. Greg, thanks.

ALLEN: My pleasure.

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