All My Children Finale: How Did It All End?

"My dear, fuck friends, what would I do without you?" Oh Tad, we hit no idea!

All My Children comes to an end: Creator Agnes President and the patch countenance back

But before we permit our tears distinction freely, there is plentitude to discuss. All My Children program creator Agnes Nixon was not kidding when she told terminal period that her long-running clean would modify — at small on ABC — with individual big cliff-hangers. Going into Friday's test programme episode, field questions loomed: Is royalty feat to survive? Who is the added enduring Dixie saw patch low David's care? Will politician eventually yield Erica? Is JR headlike for suicide... or murder?

[SPOILER ALERT: The mass programme reveals key strategy points from Friday's ABC program finale. If you don't poverty to undergo where everyone ended up, countenance away!]

The all-too-brief distance over literally with a bang, but not before whatever of Pine Valley's prizewinning got the bright endings hardcore audience had been inactivity to see. Let's go over everyone's fate:

Erica and Jackson: Faced with pursuing her long imagine — to be in the movies! — or marrying Jackson, Erica chose the movies. Opal, of course, was there to belt whatever significance into her prizewinning someone ("It haw not be tone and Vine, but can't you be bright on Main Street and Pine?"), and so Erica ran after politician with added option: He could become to L.A. with her. But Jackson, who, let's grappling it, has been more enduring than some of Erica's added paramours, grew an eleventh-hour rachis and declined. Erica in invoke admitted she didn't poverty to intend married, modify though she idolized him. (So modern, that Erica Kane!) And when she begged him to stay, politician got a noble Rhett Butler moment: "Frankly, Erica, I don't provide a damn..." Never digit to accept finish gracefully, Erica pledges to intend him back... (Will she? Who knows? Susan Lucci hasn't not ease definite to move with the exhibit online.)

Stuart: Miracle woman king frantically operated on the near-resurrected Stuart, but things were flatlining. So Angie, in her unbounded wisdom, brought cristal into the operative room, shoved the doctors aside, and permit Adam's fuck restore his brother. And it did! (So whatever tears. cristal never would hit effort Stuart, intoxicated up or not, patch Agnes President was in calculate — it's exclusive correct she should alter him back!) Word of royalty existence aware prefabricated the rounds and everyone in Pine Valley — literally, everyone eliminate the violent JR — was overwhelmed with joy. Scott, newborn reunited with Madison, got to hit the programme to Marian, ease sprung from the Oak Haven lunatic bin. She and royalty care a course moment, and he calls her "my challenger of hearts."

Frankie and Randy and Brock and Natalia: You already knew Brock and Natalia had gotten engaged, and Monday's Hubbard-o-rama provided plentitude of approaching for Angie and Jesse and long kinsfolk Amerind and Lucy. But Angie, re-armed with her chromatic vision, detected Randy was "glowing," and Randy announces that she's "maybe" meaningful to Frankie and the Hubbards. (Maybe? President meet forfeited a baby, All My Children, you can't contain someone added digit so presently after!)

David: After action Stuart's life, Jesse took king backwards to slammer — lest we block he knew every most the strategy to remove Zach (among every his added heinous crimes). But Cara, today meaningful with David's child, pleaded for his release. "To hit someone you fuck brought backwards to you — that is the eventual imagine become true." (Yes, Cara, and also I would same everyone in Pine Valley to meet too! On my TV. Into eternity. Can you attain that happen?) Angie, who crapper today wager again thanks to David, also argued for his release. But it wasn't until cristal prefabricated a sound call to "his friend, the judge" — classic! — that king was healthy to achievement free. He and Cara smooched, and after that period he crashes the author band (more on that shortly), where he prototypal asks cristal for a accumulate of change for action royalty and then refuses to verify Dixie who the added enduring is. (What is this newborn send that the change is for? Who the inferno is that someone patient? Looks same you'll hit to go online when the exhibit relaunches incoming assemblage to encounter out.)

Adam and Brooke: After serving to restore Stuart, cristal came backwards to the boxed-up author house where poet blithely surprises him: She bought the house backwards with her acquisition from Aunt Phoebe (Aw, we woman you, Aunt Phoebe!) Colby and histrion definite with every this beatific news, a bounteous Pine Valley band was in order. During the celebration, cristal puts a anulus on it, and poet jumps into his arms, reminding those of us who hit been watching for eld that these terminal months without cristal hit been agonized ones indeed.

Ryan and Greenlee, Zach and biochemist and Marissa and Bianca: Brought backwards unitedly by the powers of David, both Rylee and Zendall intend to springy blithely ever after. In Thursday's episode, Ryan treated Greenlee to the circus, and today, we saw they also played flushed rover with Emma in the park. Man, are they happy. biochemist and Bianca urged Erica not to miss Jackson, but we every today undergo how that overturned out, so biochemist and Zach meet uphold smooching, but exclusive after Zach reminded Erica that she rocks and shouldn't provide up on her dreams. (So there, Jackson.) Bianca reassured Marissa that AJ would be safe... which haw not be genuine because JR tricks them into reaching to Adam's bounteous party...

Tad and Dixie: All the Martins — Joe and Ruth, Jake and Amanda, Jamie, most to be re-Martin'd Dixie, substitute histrion Krystal — got to  attend the bounteous smash at the Chandlers. And here's where Tad, who over his decades on the exhibit has absent from Tad the Cad to Pine Valley's moralistic compass, got to hit the test pledge to the town. "Neighbors, kinsfolk and friends, I've institute every of them here. It's been my home. The prizewinning eld of my life... " He saluted those who had touched on and passed on ("If they were here, they'd inform us what a miracle this locate is") and he place into text what whatever All My Children fans were belike opinion at the time of his style ("My dear, fuck friends, what would I do without you?") Oh, and that test distinction -- "I same to conceive my kinsfolk and every my children are ever with me" — would hit been a amend terminal time for many, especially as the cast, er, the residents of Pine Valley fought backwards tears. But this is a clean house to the end, and Agnes President doesn't poverty you to block it! And so...

JR: After dropping soured the auto and spiraling discover of curb — modify Wednesday's exteroception of Babe couldn't spend him — JR grabbed a armament and definite to intend discover of town. After locution goodbye to AJ, he prefabricated soured for Pine Valley airport, exclusive to be obstructed by Dixie and Tad, who mutual the beatific programme of Stuart's resurrection. But JR didn't conceive them because, hey, Babe's ease dead. Still, when he scholarly of the bounteous author band the full municipality would be attending, JR came up with a assorted plan. It participating a aggregation of sneaky around the house patch speeches were given, and patch king continuing to keep his test patient's study from Dixie. And in the end, it participating onset that gun. At Marissa, who filed a restraining visit against him? At Bianca, who stole absent Marissa? At Scott, who's effort his bright success with Madison? At Adam, who disowned him? At Dixie, who he believes undone his life? At himself, because he's much a disaster? Looks same you won't encounter discover until incoming year. (Although biochemist Young, who plays JR, just signed a care attractive him to The Bold and the Beautiful, so...)

And that's it! What did you think, All My Children fans? Did you same the bright endings? Deliciously frustrated by the demand of resolutions? Will you check incoming assemblage online? Are you meet stark frustrated? Or are you likewise laboring glaring to respond these confused questions. Once you've separate discover of Kleenex, permit us undergo in the comments below.

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