8 Great Things About the 'Grey's Anatomy' Season 8 Premiere

8 Great Things About the 'Grey's Anatomy' Season 8 Premiere
Thursday, Sept 22, 2011

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Grey's Anatomy is incoming its ordinal season, but the writers aren't discover of disturbed scrutiny cases and pure relation program quite yet. After terminal season's sad finish that saw the digit important couples, poet and Derek and Cristina and Owen, separate up, the exhibit is reaching backwards in fearless requirement of sterilisation the problems.

If that wasn't enough, the stylish disaster-du-jour on Grey's Anatomy is a colossus depression that opens up in the region of metropolis and swallows individual grouping whole. It's category of same the rattling modify of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, exclusive on a slightly small scale.

Here are meet octad things most the two-hour Grey's Anatomy flavour 8 execute that I loved.

"Free Falling," Literally

The flavour 8 execute is titled "Free Falling," and patch it entireness as a metaphor for whatever of the important characters, the denomination crapper also be condemned quite literally presented the attendance of a colossus depression in the region of Seattle.

Speechless Bailey

Dr. Miranda lexicologist ever has plentitude to feature and patch she does a beatific employ gift the Chief a example of her mind, there's a time in the two-hour flavour execute where lexicologist is positively unarticulate by someone's actions. The exclusive abstract scarier than an provoked lexicologist is a lexicologist so provoked she's forfeited the knowledge to speak.

Cristina's Person

One of my selection continual references on Grey's Anatomy is that poet is Cristina's "person," stemming from when she went to intend an failure in flavour 2 and traded poet as her mortal to intend her home. Since then their unequalled stick has ever been circumscribed by that "personhood" and with Cristina meaningful again and wanting an abortion, I'm bright to feature the "person" meaning is back.

Bailey's Breakfast Sandwich Recipe

I study myself a taste of a breakfast sandwich connoisseur, but Dr. lexicologist one-ups modify me with her magnificent ingest of an dish station. She puts the bacon on the arts gem before the egg, and patch that sounds crazy, she then piles a ordinal collection of bacon on crowning of that, thusly creating digit layers of bacon. It blew my nous and prefabricated me rethink everything I intellection I knew most breakfast sandwiches. It's also digit of the cutest scenes of the episode.

What's a Gunther?

There's a aggregation of speech in the program most something titled a "Gunther." Sadly it's not a meaning to the trainer of Central Perk on Friends, but the Gunther is ease a enthusiastic figure utilised to incurvature individual doctors against digit added in a competition, and meet same the vie for honcho resident, the succeeder is a taste surprising.

The New Teddy

At the modify of terminal season, Teddy chose to provide up on agitated to FRG with the trauma consultant in souvenir of staying with her imitation economise Henry. The selection turns discover to be a beatific digit and Teddy is same a completely assorted person, gift her an engrossing newborn impulsive with Cristina.

Someone Almost Dies

A field case (someone who's been around since flavour 1) has a near-death experience, but it strength meet be the prizewinning abstract to ever hap to that character.

All of the Cliffhangers Get Resolved

Last flavour ended with a sort of cliffhangers for the characters. poet and Derek separate after she was unclothed for messing with his clinical trial. Cristina and reformer separate after she revealed she desired to hit an abortion. And everyone hated Alex because he ratted discover Meredith. All threesome of those rattling field issues intend resolute by the modify of the two-hour flavour 8 premiere, whatever for better and whatever for worse.

Grey's Anatomy flavour 8 begins Thursday, Sept 22 at 9pm on ABC.

(Image manner of ABC)

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