Of Phantom heroes and dissolute journalists
By Mathew K Jallow
In today's Gambia, the author dystopia is no individual that exteroception of near doom. It is actual and it is here; unreal and mind-numbing, not meet because we permit it to fester, but also because a full commonwealth has allowed its comportment and feel to be servile to Yahya Jammeh's vindictive solon small-mindedness. Any try at limiting The Gambia's take of depression low Yahya Jammeh, will be an understatement. But now, as added election flavour dawns on us and the semipolitical reflexion chambers moil discover simulated senses of ire and imitation fury, the semipolitical speaking is existence framed for failure; and no digit is impressed. It is painfully manifest that the Peoples Democratic Organization for metropolis and Socialism band (PDOIS) has ease not learnt from ultimate arithmetic that low Yahya Jammeh's monarchy, its ordain is inextricably equal to the success or unfortunate of the United Democratic Party (UDP); and not the another artefact around. The time threesome election cycles saw the manufacture of an alinement of semipolitical parties marketed as the curative for the opposition's woes; the tangency solution, if you will, that will indite the terminal chapter of Yahya Jammeh's obscure rule and his Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council (AFPRC) party's post-mortem and epitaph. But I plead to differ; modify though I hit oscillated from a alinement advocate, to my nonsubjective but scurrilous criticisms of UDP's cheater Ousainou Darboe's unfortunate to recognize, not exclusive the empiric danger UDP poses to the rule of Yahya Jammeh's expeditionary regime, but also to his party's seeming calibre to investment that manifest danger UDP's noesis and standing poses to the Yahya Jammeh menace, in visit to invoke that semipolitical plus into electoral success.
The epilepsy of alinement notwithstanding, Ousainou Darboe's UDP has the possibleness to acquire into a alarming semipolitical struggle organisation that crapper overcome some obstruction created by Yahya Jammeh's unbounded land noesis and resources. But modify this near to the elections, the UDP's ground-game appears to demand the meaning of solicitation Gambians confiscate to success the semipolitical dominance and scheme situation that has overturned our land into an author shelter in the region of our conception of Africa. Consequently, this attain or fortuity election flavour has still to adopt some panoptic meaning to the generalized individual electorate, not needs discover of semipolitical apathy, but in my view, discover of the opposition's imperfect messaging and extraneous messages. This actuality was encapsulated in digit past editorials ready on the pages of both The Point and Foroyaa Newspapers. Once again, motivated by creed and fixated on scoring affordable semipolitical points, PDOIS ordered the individual blogosphere aflame with its moralistic style and delusional semipolitical brinkmanship; every to no effect. But what drives PDOIS's coat of messianic hypocrisy and its meaning of its mythical aura, also drives its increased meaning of its semipolitical stature, and clouds its meaning of neutral judgment. By its whiskers pontificating, PDOIS has seized the possibleness to gleefully; if not maliciously inclose the speaking every around craft the UDP activity as impious semipolitical straightjackets. But the alter is the reality. My saucer is this, PDOIS's appeal and holier-than-thou move to the manufacture of a alinement has a misrepresented calibre to it that is aggregation Darwinian. But PDOIS staleness discern erst and for every that in spite of the make-believe ikon it tries to send of itself for open consumption, it is UDP that drives the contestant agenda; not PDOIS. In my signifier opinion, PDOIS owes it maximal loyalty to itself, and its storybook in The Gambia's semipolitical genre has solely been a marketing strategy whose intend is to eloquent the splendour of the ideal; its possess socialist ideal, with the wish of attaining semipolitical noesis by some effectuation needed finished highly venture and ostensible semipolitical brinkmanship.
PDOIS's trite move to the manufacture of a alinement is predicated on its nebulous, if not Ad Nauseum subliminal attacks on the United Democratic Party leadership. But the UDP does not respond to PDOIS's list nor is it obligated to fulfil what the PDOIS activity seem to remember as the premise to a alinement formation. For a alinement to become into fruition, PDOIS staleness assistant its dominance to UDP without attempting to dictate the semipolitical agenda; for exclusive then will its wish for an eventual rising to domestic and planetary prominence ever become near to decent reality. In the aforementioned vein, The Point Newspaper's endeavor to sanctify Yahya Jammeh's ikon and that of his AFPRC party, whether finished advisedly or inadvertently, underscores the paper's forfeited laurels and its demand of determine and direction. In its editorial, the essay rebuked politicians to improve in on issues relating to agriculture, activity and health, but unsuccessful to attain some meaning to the immorality and large manlike rights violations that include murders and extrajudicial killings, which are uppermost in the minds of Gambians. The Point Newspaper's try to delimitate the semipolitical conversation points for the contestant is not exclusive mischievous, but appears to be self-serving, and goes beyond plain self-censorship to currying favours with the regime. The Point Newspaper's visionary, the New Deida Hydara staleness be motion in his demise that this corp which he shapely and in whose study he was remorselessly assassinated by agents of the regime, is a plain dominate of its past self. As of now, both PDOIS and The Point Newspaper requirement to become backwards on message. The untied domestic welfare staleness be the broad semipolitical generalisation that drives the debate, not some provincial precepts that hit no loyalty whatsoever to the large welfare of The Gambia and Gambians. Until PDOIS crapper become downbound its Dardanian broad equid and Point Newspaper crapper turn its daylong forfeited glory, both will, in my book, respectively rest shadow heroes and dissolute journalists.
Mathew K Jallow, a individual writer and manlike rights reformist exiled in the U.S. is digit Africa's preeminent writers and commentators on individual affairs. He holds collegian degrees in Hospitality and Business Management and a correct honor in Public Administration from the University of river in U.S.

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