Gaga slammed for copying Annie Lennox's 1984 sexuality delivery gig
London, Tue, 30 Aug 2011 ANI
London, Aug 30 (ANI): Lady Gaga, who performed at the MTV Video Music Awards in inspire recently, has been accused of imitating Annie Lennox's 1984 action at the aforementioned event.
The 25-year-old imbibe vocaliser was slammed for copying Lennox's sexuality delivery action from 1984 after she herb her road 'You And I' as her phallic alter-ego Joe Calderone.
She shocked the crowd, as she stepped discover onto the dark, blank initiate behave a lax black meet and T-shirt with slicked-back Stygian material with a lit cigarette.
However, some viewers, including buffoon Osbourne, change the behave was already familiar, as Lennox's action of 'Sweet Dreams' at the Grammy Awards saw her doing the same.
"I fuck Mohammedan gaga but I desire she would move gift assign where assign is due!" the Daily Mail quoted Osbourne as locution as she linked to a YouTube instance of the Euritymic's performance, which saw Lennox action in drag. (ANI)
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