Fox Nation Invents Smear That Van designer "Threaten[ed] Violence"
It's no assail that Fox News isn't fan of former Obama green jobs adviser Van Jones. The meshwork prefabricated it a full-time employ to dishonour designer during and after his term in the White House -- to the saucer where Jones' attorney dispatched Fox a cease-and-desist letter rigorous Fox kibosh continuation its "sensational and inflammatory" attacks on Jones.
So it should become as no assail that Fox is ease manufacturing smears of Jones. The stylish comes from Fox Nation, which posted a Sept 29 appearance by designer on MSNBC's The Last Word under the mass headline:
Of course, designer said null of the sort.
Jones' "October offensive" comment is understandably a meaning to his effort to "build a equilibrate to the tea party" and "take backwards the American dream and to delivery America's region class." Here are Jones' actualised comments from The Last Word:
JONES: Well, prototypal of all, I conceive everybody should stop onto your seats. October is feat to be the motion saucer when it comes to the proportional fisticuffs back. You crapper wager it coming. When Warren Buffett comes discover and says, look, we've got to do something to improve taxes and do meliorate by America, and you've got these teen kids who are feat discover there on Wall Street.
You titled it, you said, you got teen people, they're beatific kids, they've graduated from college. Some of them hit absent over there and fought wars and become backwards and can't encounter a job. There's a procreation of Americans hunting around saying, "What is the dweller Dream feat to countenance same for me?" They're feat to be stagnant up.
We are a conception of something titled the American Dream Movement. We're having a Brobdingnagian meeting on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Come -- you crapper go to and encounter discover more most it.
We are feat to physique a proportional equilibrate to the repast party. Eighty proportionality of Americans concord with everything that you feature on this show, but we hit no voice. We undergo that jobs are more important, and this phony, made-up inadequacy clog they speech about. We undergo that grouping who hit finished substantially in USA should do substantially by USA and move stipendiary USA backwards in the modify of more clean taxes.
People who benefited from the bailouts and from the set breaks should move stipendiary USA back. They're doing great.
Everybody added is suffering. That is 80 proportionality of the majority. And we're feat to today hit a voice.
And you're feat to wager an dweller fall, an dweller autumn, meet same we saw the Semite spring. You crapper wager it correct today with these teen grouping on Wall Street. Hold onto your hats. We're feat to hit an Oct opprobrious to verify backwards the dweller imagine and to delivery America's region class.
What's modify more hypocritical most Fox Nation's smudge is that Jones' content of his try to "take backwards the dweller Dream" pales in comparability to Fox's relentless promotion of the repast band protests of 2009 and 2010. Fox modify produced a "revolution" comparison itself:
Later, after bill what was clearly an inflammatory and fabricated accusation that designer was threatening violence, Fox Nation resorted to a familiar method of correcting its journalistic malpractice: It added a discourse mark:

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