No. 19 Baylor thumps author F. Austin in weather-shortened game
', container = $('#drop-panel-container'), contents = $(container).html(); if (isIE8) { $(container).replaceWith(f+contents+b) } } function dropPanelSetUp(data) { /* buttons should be a dataobject of section representing IDs the conceal and exhibit functions are expecting IDs so expiration a collection will termination in a failure. click as the land is acknowledged for now the accumulation goal should countenance aforementioned this: { masterlistener:(string[dom id]), panel:(string[dom id]), eventgroup1:{ button:(string[dom id]), content:(string[dom id]), offset:{x:(int),y:(int)}, on_state_class: ''(string) }, eventgroup2:{ button:(string[dom id]), content:(string[dom id]), offset:{x:(int),y:(int)}, on_state_class: ''(string) } ... etc } The modify commission nodes should be settled so they deal the aforementioned equilibrize parent as the buttons that alter it. NOTE: IE8 Got-chya: the ID for the commission is hornlike coded into the IE8 rouned corners code. If you hit denaturized the ID for the modify commission and are having pain with IE8 change the ID in the model progress in this function: ie8DropPanel() */ var pace = 300, panel = $('#'+data.panel), buttons = []; for (var i=1,eg; eg=data[('eventgroup'+i)]; i++) { var bp = $('#'+eg.button).position(), //button position ph = $('#'+eg.button).height(), //button height panelPos = [, bp.left, eg.offset]; on_state_class = eg.on_state_class; buttons.push([$('#'+eg.button),$('#'+eg.content),panelPos,eg.button,on_state_class]); } $('#'+data.masterlistener).bind('click',{speed:speed,panel:panel,buttons:buttons},function(event){ var org =, speed =, panel =, buttons =, panel_open = isPanelOpen(panel); for (var i=buttons.length-1, b; b=buttons[i]; i--) { /* * b[0] = fix DOM object * b[1] = noesis DOM object * b[2] = the pass co-ord object: * [0] = crowning (int) * [1] = mitt (int) * [2] = equilibrize object * {x,y}(int,int) * b[3] = fix ID (string) * b[4] = fix 'on' class */ var button_id = b[3], same_content = isSameContent(panel,b[1]); if ( $(org).attr('id') === button_id || $(org).parents('#'+button_id).attr('id')){ if(!same_content) { hideAllContent(buttons); movePanel(panel,b[2]); if (panel_open) { showContent(b[1],b[0],b[4]); } added { showContent(b[1],b[0],b[4]); showPanel(panel,speed); } } added { hidePanel(panel,speed,b[4]); } } } function isPanelOpen(panel) { return ($(panel).css('display').toLowerCase() === 'block'); } function isSameContent (panel,content) { return ($(content, panel).css('display').toLowerCase() === 'block'); } function movePanel(panel,b) { // b[0] top, b[1] left, b[2] {x,y} $(panel).css({ 'top': (b[0] + b[2].x) }); $(panel).css({ 'left': (b[1] + b[2].y) }); } function showPanel(panel,speed) { $(panel).slideDown(speed); } function hidePanel(panel,speed) { $(panel).slideUp(speed, function() {hideAllContent(buttons);}); } function showContent(content, button, btn_class) { $(content).show(); $(button).addClass(btn_class); } function hideContent(content) { $(content).hide(); } function hideAllContent(buttons) { for (var i = buttons.length-1, b; b=buttons[i]; i--) { $(b[1]).hide(); $(b[0]).removeClass(b[4]); } } }) } return { ieRoundedCorners:ieRoundedCorners, ie8DropPanel:ie8DropPanel, dropPanelSetUp:dropPanelSetUp } })(); var headerNavication = (function($,cw) { var nav_item_list = $('.cw-header .main-nav ul.main > li'), channel_id_list = '', channel, sub_channel; var findChannel = duty () { var winloc = isIE ? document.URL.split('/') : document.documentURI.split('/') , channel_id = winloc[3], sub_chanel_id = winloc.length > 5 ? '/'+winloc[4]+'/' : '', reg_sub_find_id = newborn RegExp(sub_chanel_id,'ig'), reg_removed_id = /^nav-/i; for (var i=nav_item_list.length-1,n; n=nav_item_list[i]; i--) { if ( channel_id === $(n).children('a').attr('id').replace(reg_removed_id,'') ) { var itemize = $(n).children('ul').children('li'); if (sub_chanel_id.length > 0) { for (var j=list.length-1,l; l=list[j]; j--) { if (reg_sub_find_id.test($(l).children('a').attr('href'))) { break; } added { l = false; } } } break; } } findChannel = duty () { return [n,l]; } return [n,l]; } var init = (function() { channel = findChannel()[0] || nav_item_list[0]; sub_channel = findChannel()[1]; if (sub_channel) { highlightSubChannel(); } clearNav(); if(isIE) { cw.ieRoundedCorners(); if(isIE8) { cw.ie8DropPanel(); } } if ($('#handle-header').attr('id')) { cw.dropPanelSetUp({ masterlistener: 'handle-header', panel: ('drop-panel-container'), eventgroup1: { button: 'btn-newspapers', content: 'panel-newspapers', offset: { x: 5, y: 0 }, on_state_class: 'newspapers-dropdown-on' }, eventgroup2: { button: 'btn-networks', content: 'panel-networks', offset: { x: 5, y: 0 }, on_state_class: 'networks-dropdown-on' } }); } //need to analyse land of see broadcasting buttons since firefox doesn't set to the choice patterned broadcasting button if($('.cw-header #radio-btn-yp:checked').attr('id') != null){ $('.cw-header #header-search-form').attr('action',''); $('.cw-header #header-search-string').attr('name','what'); $('.cw-header #radio-btn-yp').siblings('label').removeClass('selected'); $('.cw-header #radio-btn-yp').next().addClass('selected'); } eventSetUp(); }()) function highlightSubChannel() { if((document.location+"").indexOf("/sports/football/cfl/") > -1) $(".mainnav-item .cfl").addClass('sub-nav-highlight'); else if((document.location+"").indexOf("/sports/football/nfl/") > -1) $(".mainnav-item .nfl").addClass('sub-nav-highlight'); else $(sub_channel).addClass('sub-nav-highlight'); } function clearNav() { clearTabs(); $(channel).children('ul').show(); $(channel).css('background-position', 'bottom right'); } function eventSetUp() { $('.cw-header .main-nav ').bind('mouseleave', function(event){ if (isIE) { if ($(event.relatedTarget).parents('.main-nav').length 0)?"" + value.substring(0,pos) + "" + value.substring(pos, term.length) + "" + value.substring(pos + term.length) + "":value.substring(0, term.length) + "" + value.substring(pos + term.length) + ""; }, scroll: false, selectFirst: false }); });

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